Monday, September 26, 2011

To Paris, To Paris, to Bake a Croissant!

That's what Brandi's doing. She's going to Paris to bake croissants. I think there may also be a little sightseeing involved. But they're taking a cooking class in Paris. Maybe she'll make us some croissants (you're reading that with a ridiculously heavy French accent, right? Sounds something like "Craw -sohn!" Cause that's how I mean it.) when she gets back. That would be tasty.

Perhaps she will also guest blog for me about her trip. Then my blog would be all fancy.

Although, we did find some rather fancy things to show you when we went shopping for some clothes for her to wear in Paris.

So, instead of a phrase book, Brandi bought a style book that taught her how to look like a Parisian. It specifically said "No sequins!"

So naturally, the first thing we did was find the sequined-est pieces of clothing in the place. It's not hard. They kind-of stand out.
Are you squinting at the screen and thinking, "Surely not..."

Indeed. Those are sequined pants. And whoever sewed those sequins on thought quite a lot of their handiwork, cause those suckers cost $700!! (And that was at the outlet mall!)

Personally, I think she looks quite classy.

She did buy a reallly pretty purse.
Left to Right: 1. Brandi buying her purse (after a little encouragement from her excellent shopping partner)

2. Me waiting until Brandi's all nekked in the dressing room so I can run away with her new purse.

3. Jeans shopping is hard. But it was necessary. My other skinny jeans are now very difficult to get on since my thighs have gotten bigger since I started working out. (It is not at all because of the little "dunlap" I've developed since I quit the working out. It's not a problem anymore. Found me some "big lady jeans.")

4. Brandi dancing in the dressing room. Don't know why I didn't take a picture of whatever outfit made her dance. All I took were the silly ones! She really did end up with some pretty (and very Parisian) clothes. They'll be in her guest post I'm sure. In fact, Brandi, it's a requirement. It's part of your assignment now. Pictures of what you wore in Paris.


  1. I really wish I had gotten that gold outfit. How come you talked me out of it? I look awesome in that.
    And I will quite happily document my clothes and my trip!

  2. (Also, what's dunlap? I haven't heard that one before.)
