Monday, February 27, 2012

The Many Desserts of Birthday Month

As I was editing the photos from my birthday, I realized that most of them had something to do with sweets. First of all, my sister, mom, grandma and I went to breakfast at Walton's where I basically had some cake for breakfast:

It's actually French toast, but I think when you soak the bread in creme brulee liquid first, it pretty much becomes cake.

And then, of course, there was breakfast dessert:
Heart-shaped macarons! They were tasty, but Brandi said not as good as the ones in Paris.

 There was my official birthday cake:
It took so long to get all the candles lit, that the ones they lit first were almost melted all the way down before they got done! You can see one little bitty short one down there in the front.

 And then there was my freebie pistachio gelato at Trattoria Lisina:
Which for some reason seems to have required jazz hands.

It was all delicious, but maybe I should have asked for a gym membership for my birthday!

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