Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Pretty Please!

A lot of y'all follow me on Facebook and already know that I applied for a Chase Mission Main Street Grant. They're giving 20 grants worth $150,000 each. The application process is fairly simple, but the tough part is that I have to get 250 votes by October 17 just to be considered!

I already have 182 votes! I'm so blessed to have so many people who are willing to help me out! But even though that's a ton of support, I still need 68 votes!

I know most of the people who read this blog have probably already voted - so I'm asking for even a little more help! Will you forward this link to any friends and family who have a Facebook account and would be willing to vote for me?

Y'all's support means so much to me! I will keep you updated on my progress! 

God bless y'all,


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