Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Not Fall Anymore!

It felt like spring today, and I hear we're getting some real winter weather by the end of the week! Se la vie in Texas, right?!

Sam loves to be outside, and since opportunities will be few and far between during the big cold front that's coming, I decided to take a detour after my hair cut today and spend a little while walking him around Mayfield Park. I was also feeling a little bad for putting him back in his carseat again after he was so good for the five hour drive from Jasper just yesterday!

This won't be our first big cold front for the year, though. During the most recent one, Sam and I passed the time with a little feetsie photo shoot!

I just love the way he crosses his ankles like that, and had to get a shot of it! We actually took these the morning before he fiiinally was able to grab ahold of his feet! He still has not gotten them to his mouth, but he's working on it real hard! 

Sam is very patient and a good poser for Mommy. 

I framed that one. I can't stand how cute that little red head is. 

We also took his three month picture! We were a week late, but we've been a week late for all of them, so I think that means we're right on track! Right? I'm counting it. 

I couldn't choose! Let me tell ya, Precision Camera is making some money off of me now! I never can choose between shots! So I don't. I just print them all.

Oh Sam the Man. You're so funny.

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