Thursday, July 28, 2011

Baby On the Way!

Not me - I don't have a baby on the way. Sorry if I got your hopes up Meagan - I promise when I announce that one day, I will not do it via blog. Okay - now to the real baby on the way.

Jessica is going to have her baby any day now!

And she would like for everyone to know that she is wearing a shirt in that picture.

Jessica and Todd decided not to find out what sex their baby is, so for now we're calling it Baby Alguire.

Personally, I think it's a girl. I think this because, at first I was certain it was a boy. But then I thought, I've never guessed right before - so it must be a girl!

If it's a girl, her name will be Grace.

And if it's a boy, he'll be called Benjamin. Or Ben. But never Benny. Okay? Everyone agreed?

Todd thinks he won't know what to do with a girl if that's what they end up having. But I don't think he'll have any trouble figuring it out. I'm pretty sure he would end up doing just WHATEVER his girl asks him to!

(That's pretty much how things go now, anyway!)

And who can blame him when his wife looks this good 8 months pregnant?!

We can't wait to meet you, Baby Alguire!


  1. Aw. I like the silhouette and the one with her feet on the fence.

  2. " I'm pretty sure he would end up doing just WHATEVER his girl asks him to!"

    That's how I found it to be.

    Cute pics !

  3. These are all GREAT! Such a wonderful photographer with a lovely subject! I had a dream that Jessica had the baby and they named it Benjamin Grace Alguire, bc that's what I'm used to hearing, I guess. Benjamin or Grace? :) And, you did get my blood pumping with that blog title, Jenni! :) lol
