I found a recipe on pinterest for cupcakes and icing that I wanted to try. It looked delicious! So I went grocery shopping, came home and mixed up the cupcakes. First batch came out very tasty. Second batch, came out like this:
It was not a chocolate cupcake recipe.
They were supposed to look like the yellow ones in the background.
What the heck happened, you ask. Well, having found one tasty recipe on Pinterest, I popped the second batch in and got back on Pinterest to find some more.
Then I forgot about the Pinterest cupcakes I was making.
And I forgot to set a timer to remind me to remember about the cupcakes.
And I spent a good 45 minutes looking at Pinterest things.
They were hard as a rock! Totally inedible! Ha - oh Pinterest, I love ya! Even if you do make me burn cupcakes that it was your idea to bake in the first place!
Well, I hope you are going to endeavour to get it right before I get there. That's all I'm saying.