Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Good Try

Again, it looks alright, but it kind-of tastes like a three-day old grocery store cake.

The cake was dry and the icing was waaaay too sweet. Also, the white chocolate chips look cute, but they didn't really go with the other flavors.

It's chocolate inside, by the way.

I very carefully followed Real Simple's chocolate cake recipe from their May issue. But it's not quite my cup of tea. (Or maybe it's not my slice of cake.)

I'll be trying a few other recipes before I make the cake for Brandi's 30th birthday party in June. I'll let you know what the winner is.


  1. It issssss pretty! I likes it! It looks yummy, too.

  2. Wow! That's pretty fancy. It looks like it would taste really good.

  3. Seriously, I keep coming back to look at it again. How did you do that?

  4. "That's pretty fancy."

    Well yeah !
    It's for a fancy party !

  5. The last fancy party I had anything to do with had a hay ride in the back of my little green truck ... are we going to have a hay bride at Brandi's fancy party ?

    I can clean the bed of my truck out if I need to

  6. ... but now that I think about it I don't believe that was a fancy party afterall, I think that might have been an elegant party.

    the truck offer still stands if a hayride along the seawall is in order
