Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Trip to the Far East

I've been in the Far East (Texas) for the last FIVE days! That's longer than I have spent there in a long time. I did a little work and lots of driving and, as always, lots of eating.

But I did not take any pictures. Other than the portrait session which was the reason for the visit in the first place. Those photos are yet to come! (Get excited!)

So that means I have no photos for you today.

But next week I'm on vacation. Well - staycation. We're staying in town and hanging out at the Hyatt Lost Pines.

It's safe to say there will be hundreds of pictures!

But just as a teaser, there will be horses involved.

And lastly, I was told there might be rain today. So I dressed like the cutie in the bottom picture here:

Needless to say, I got laughed at.

I pulled that picture off another blog, and apparently they were a collage that I couldn't separate. But now I'm totally going back to that blog to figure out how the heck the bow gloves, cookies and milk and piglet in galoshes relate to one another.

Oh my gosh, I want a little piglet now!


  1. I think I can get you a little piggy about that size ... may be mixed heritage and I ain't guaranteeing color choice but let me know ... note, they do grow into big piggies and I'm afraid it might make a mess of Michaels practice range.
    (you'll haveta find the boots)

  2. You have galoshes? Jealous.
    Also, what are you doing with horses at the Hyatt? How come you never tell me anything and I have to read it on your blog?
