Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday Night

I'm laying in bed with my laptop right now as Michael is riding with the Hoggs (all three of them) to the softball game. I'd rather be with them, but I've got a sore tummy. I've barely even eaten anything since lunch - if you know me well at all, you know it hurts if I don't even feel like eating. Odds are I'll feel just fine in the morning. I never get a sick day. Maybe my doctor will make me update another vaccination this year. That's the last time I had a sick day - almost exactly a year ago when I had my tetanus vaccine updated. I was really sick though. I'm not sure it's worth that. Sure could use a day off, though.

This set of pics is from last week's softball practice. Last week's game was kind of awesome. Sunday was the first time they'd practiced together and it made a HUGE difference. Go figure! They won by one point and they didn't even have the last bat. They really looked great out there. Wish I was watching them tonight! Michael's mom is there tonight, though, so I'm not worried about them lacking a cheering section. My fingers are crossed for them!

Also - for the past, like, 2 hours (not to mention about an hour yesterday) I've been reading the Pioneer Woman's love story. It is soooo great! I'm loving it. It's really long! I think I'm only a little over half finished with it, but you should definitely read it! http://www.thepioneerwoman.com/ then choose Confessions and then choose Black Heels and just start at chpt. 1. So much fun! I will admit that I snuck a few chapters in at work. I can count that as my smoke break, right Boss? Yikes.

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